• 1168 Spanish Bay Court Orange Park, Florida 32065
  • info@aritel.us




Our limited medical benefits plans are straight forward and will help you pay medical bills

  • Routine Doctor Appointment
  • Diagnostic Tests
  • Hospitalization

You will pay less monthly premiums for your limited insurance compared to the more traditional health insurance plans. However, you will get benefits usually lower than the total cost of your services

Claims & Benefit Management,Inc.(CBM)is a focused,highly experienced group of professionals providing quality, results-driven, and comprehensive health care programs. Our approach to benefit administration and medical management is centered upon the use of technology to provide increased efficiency and a real time information access to the customers we serve, while maintaining a “High Touch” environment to provide high level of customer satisfaction.


Our Mission

Our passion for protecting US families led us to our mission: To use technology and education to change the way you choose great value Insurance benefits to protect you and your loved ones.


How we’re Different

At Claims & Benefit Management.Inc., we go beyond standard health insurance. We pro ’ide options. One of our most versatile options is limited medical insurance. This type of plan is also known as basic health insurance.

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